3 Organization Tips to Help You Conquer the Semester

You tell yourself the same thing every time, “I’m going to stay organized and not procrastinate this semester.” For most of us, this attitude only lasts for a couple of weeks, and then we spend the rest of the school year pulling all-nighters and drinking copious amounts of caffeine so that we don’t get behind in our studies. It’s a vicious and ruthless cycle, but it can be stopped.

Here are three organization tips to help you dominate the semester.

Find a Planner That Works For You

A planner is a must if you want to succeed in college. But, not all of us went through high school (or even some years of college) using one. You must find a planner that you can use daily. Some individuals may prefer to use a physical planner, and some may choose a digital one. Each has pros and cons, but one isn’t necessarily better than the other. If you’ve never used a planner before, try using both to see which one works better for you.

Once you’ve found a planner you enjoy, make sure to use it every day. Using your planner daily will not be easy for some folks, but you can develop a lifelong daily/weekly planning habit if you stick with it.

Organize the Small Things

Often, the small things make a big difference, especially in college. When students organize every aspect of their lives, they are ready to take on any challenge they may face.

Some small things to organize include:

  • Your personal items: It’s important that you give each item a home. Are your hygiene products running amok? Get a shower caddy. Having a hard time finding room in the closet for your shoes? Install a shoe rack.
  • School supplies: Organizing your school supplies is a must for your college success. In fact, forgetting important supplies is a common test-taking mistake many students make. (Make sure to avoid all of these test day mishaps while you’re at it). It’s crucial to always have pens, pencils, and notebooks in your school bag.
  • Your pantry and refrigerator: Sick of wasting an unnecessary amount of money on fast food? Organize your food items. This will help you consume what you already have and assist you in purchasing grocery items that you actually need.

Schedule Your Time Wisely

Prioritizing your time is the secret sauce to your college success. However, this is definitely easier said than done. College students are spread thin between busy class schedules, assignments, work, social activities, and hobbies. It’s no wonder why they don’t sleep that much.

The best thing you can do is study and work on your class projects every day. Procrastination is a killer. It’s easy to get behind, and everything else in your life will start to suffer when you do.

Try to break up large tasks into small pieces. This will help you avoid burnout and can help your grades improve. Additionally, try to block out time in your planner for when you want to accomplish a task. For example, you can set a two-hour block for meditation and/or exercise every day. You know your schedule the best, so make sure to prioritize and organize your time efficiently.

Developing organization skills will not only help you have a good semester, but it can also help you have a higher quality of life. Work hard to create daily and weekly planning sessions to optimize your life. If you can learn how to organize, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Remember to check out GradGuard weekly for all of your Tuesday Tips and college hacks!

Brandon Jarman is a senior at Brigham Young University studying public relations and business management. When he’s not studying, he enjoys spending time with his family and watching his favorite sports teams.