Moving Off Campus: The Pros and Cons


I got it! Moving box on back.There’s a lot to consider when thinking about moving off campus.  It may not seem like it, but it is actually a pretty big transition.  After all, it brings you a few steps closer to being an adult out in the real world.  But with the responsibilities that come with it, also comes a lot of nice perks.  Not sure if living off campus is right for you?  Then take a look at this list of the pros and cons of moving off campus.

Broaden your horizons
Moving off campus means getting a ton of new experiences from living in a different area.  If your school is located in a nice downtown area, you’ll probably have to downgrade to a less expensive section of real estate, but that’s really not always a bad thing.  It will give you the opportunity to get familiar with another area and discover all the neat little hole-in-the-wall places that you’d otherwise be oblivious to.  It’s helpful to move around and figure out what environments suite you the best.

Finally get your own bedroom
Moving off campus means that you can probably have your own bedroom, and if you’ve been sharing a cramped dorm with a roommate, this is definitely an exciting prospect.  You can gain some privacy, spread your things out, and not have to worry about clashing sleep schedules.  You’ll also have the chance to upgrade your bed from that tiny college-sized mattress you’ve been restricted to at the dorms!

Have additional rooms too!
Many college residence halls have a common kitchen area in the building for students to use.  But if you get your own place off campus, you can have a kitchen of your very own.  Having a stove top, oven, cabinet space, and a decent sized refrigerator can seriously expand your meal options.  There will no longer be a need to limit yourself to microwavable mac and cheese.

Have to share a bathroom with a whole floor of other students in your dorm building?  Well, just like getting your own kitchen, an off-campus apartment will also give you your own bathroom.  Instead of sharing it with 25 other people and wearing flip flops in the shower, it will just be for you and your apartment mates.  If you can find a nice place, you could even have a little living room too, where you can unwind and hang out with friends after school.  But whatever the layout of your off-campus place is, you’ll get to have fun and make it your own.

Get more independence
If you feel a little suffocated by your campus, RAs, and the globs of fellow college students always around you, getting off campus can feel pretty freeing.  You’ll get more independence, and you might be surprised at how refreshing it will feel.  Living off campus is a great opportunity to get a little taste of the real world, while still being a student and not having to be completely grown up yet.

Lots of cleaning
Unfortunately, a lot of the pros for living off campus also come with corresponding cons—like having your own kitchen and bathroom.  Sure it’s super convenient, but you’ll no longer get the benefit of having a cleaning crew do all the dirty work for you.  In other words, you’ll have to invest in a toilet brush or two.

The commute
Depending on where exactly you move to, the commute to campus can get a bit annoying.  When scoping out apartments, keep in mind how long of a walk, drive, or public transportation ride it would be to campus from there.  And factor in that you’ll have to get up that much earlier to get to class on time.  To get going in the mornings, you’ll probably need more motivation than you would if you were waking up already right in the middle of campus.

Fend for yourself for dinner
Having your own kitchen is great, but believe it or not, after a while, you just might find yourself missing the campus dining hall.  Hot all-you-can-eat, ready-to-eat meals that have already been paid for through a dining plan?  Not too shabby.  You’ll realize this when you find yourself hungry, out of food, and too tired to trek to the grocery store late at night.

Separated from campus events
If you live farther away or have to rely on a train or bus schedule, it won’t be as easy to get to campus events, clubs, and activities.  What’s more, without living in the dorms, you might not even be in the know about all the happenings anymore.  If you get bored easily, definitely consider things you’ll be able to do living off campus to keep yourself busy and entertained.