It’s OK to be Doubtful About Your College Major Choice

Some obvious and rather scary thoughts you may feel when you step foot onto your new digs for the next four years of your life may consist of fear, panic, excitement, joy, and/or doubt. As a matriculating sophomore, I understand your position and you should know that it’s okay

Keep these tips in mind when deciding on a major:

  • Remember: you are not married to your major! If you have room in your schedule, make sure to take classes that correspond with your interests and hobbies. These classes may help you understand what direction you’d like your career to go. Alternatively, if you’re already on a set path, these classes may give you a mental breather during the week.
  • Understand the college or university you’re deciding upon. A liberal arts education is “an approach to learning that empowers individuals and prepares them to deal with complexity, diversity, and change.” A college that focuses on this type of approach typically facilitates a “close interaction with faculty and students.” Whereas STEM majors are becoming an “ever-present part of life throughout the world,” those fields are becoming more and more important. Which means career opportunities for students will be unlimited in any of these fields.
  • Strive to make a wise decision when choosing a college major. There is more than enough opportunity to change your major or pursue other careers in the future. A recent study conducted by CareerBuilder suggests “that plenty of Americans never work in the field that they prepared for in college.” This statistic may seem alarming, but reminding yourself of it can help take some of the pressure off.
  • Make sure you take you time in your decision, understanding yourself and what you want before choosing a major. Put your happiness and passions first.